The Tudors

Season One: of The Tudors chronicles the period of Henry VIII's reign in which his effectiveness as King is tested by international conflicts as well as political intrigue in his own court, while the pressure of fathering a male heir compels him to reject his wife Katherine of Aragon in favour of Anne Boleyn. He also has a string of affairs, and fathers an illegitimate son with his mistress Elizabeth "Bessie" Blount, Henry FitzRoy, who later dies.
Season Two: finds Henry as the head of the Church of England, the result of his break with the Catholic Church over its refusal to grant him a divorce from Katherine. During his battle with Rome, he secretly marries a pregnant Anne who later gives birth to his second daughter Elizabeth I. Later on Anne's own failure to produce a son dooms her as Henry's attention shifts toward Jane Seymour.
Season Three: focuses on Henry's marriages to Jane Seymour and Anne of Cleves, the birth of his son Edward VI, his ruthless suppression of the Pilgrimage of Grace, the downfall of Thomas Cromwell, and the beginnings of Henry's relationship with the "dangerous" Katherine Howard. Henry reconciles with his daughters Mary I and Elizabeth I.
Season Four: focuses on Henry's ill-fated marriage to Katherine Howard, his uncommonly successful final marriage with Katherine Parr, an attempted invasion of France and the question of the kingdom's leadership after Henry's death. His son Edward VI becomes king but dies a few years later, his oldest daughter Mary becomes queen and later his youngest daughter Elizabeth, who reigns for 45 years.

Season 1

Episode 1: In Cold Blood
Episode 2: Simply Henry
Episode 3: Wolsey, Wolsey, Wolsey!
Episode 4: His Majesty, The King
Episode 5: Arise, My Lord
Episode 6: True Love
Episode 7: Message to the Emperor
Episode 8: Truth and Justice
Episode 9: Look to God First
Episode 10: The Death of Wolsey

Season 2

Episode 1: Everything Is Beautiful
Episode 2: Tears of Blood
Episode 3: Checkmate
Episode 4: The Act of Succesion
Episode 5: His Majesty's Pleasure
Episode 6: The Definition of Love
Episode 7: Matters of State
Episode 8: Lady In Waiting
Episode 9: The Act of Treason
Episode 10: Destiny and Fortune

Season 3

Episode 1: Civil Unrest
Episode 2: The Northern Uprising
Episode 3: Dissension and Punishment
Episode 4: Death of Queen
Episode 5: Problems in the Reformation
Episode 6: Search for a New Queen
Episode 7: Protestant Anne of Cleves
Episode 8: The Undoing of Cromwell

Season 4

Episode 1: Moment of Nostalgia
Episode 2: Sister
Episode 3: Something for You
Episode 4: Natural Ally
Episode 5: Bottom of the Pot
Episode 6: You Have My Permission
Episode 7: Sixth and the Final Wife
Episode 8: As It Should Be
Episode 9: Secrets of the Heart
Episode 10: Death of a Monarchy


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