Friday, November 11, 2011

The Big Bang Theaory: Season 1 Episode 17 "The Tangerine Factor"

Penny finally breaks up with her boyfriend, giving Leonard the courage he needs to ask her out on a real date. She agrees to the date. However, before they actually go out, they both seek the "wisdom” of reluctant advisor, Sheldon, on separate occasions. The Tangerine Factor is the first season finale of "The Big Bang Theory.”  ...

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 16 "The Peanut Reaction"

The gang finds out that Leonard's birthday is coming up. Penny wants to throw him a party, but she finds out that his family never celebrated his birthdays. Penny decides to throw him a surprise party and enlists Sheldon to help her out. Wolowitz participates by taking Leonard to the emergency room with him, under the pretense that he ate a peanut and is having a massive allergic reaction. By the time they make it back the apartment, the party is over. Penny feels terrible and gives Leonard a big kiss. ...

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 15 "The Pork Chop Indeterminacy"

Sheldon's twin sister comes into town, and she is a complete knockout. Leonard, Wolowitz, and Koothrappali go crazy for her and compete for her attention. When Leonard devises a plan to eliminate his rivals, it backfires when Sheldon declares he will decide whom his sister dates. ...

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 14 "The Nerdvana Annihilation"

When Leonard and the guys buy a time machine prop from a classic 1960 movie, its arrival creates problems for Penny and she tells the boys that their obsession with comics and toys is "pathetic".

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 13 "The Bat Jar Conjecture"

With the perennial winning team not participating this year, Leonard, Howard and Raj feel that their foursome are the sure winners of this year's edition of the university's physics bowl. They have to talk a reluctant Sheldon into entering with them, which they do manage to do. They regret doing so after Sheldon takes control of everything and as such has taken any fun out of the process. After the threesome kick Sheldon off their team, Sheldon vows revenge by forming his own team. Despite Leonard's discomfort with the idea, they decide to ask Leslie Winkle to be Sheldon's replacement, she who declines until she learns that they are planning on destroying Sheldon in the process. During their match, Sheldon, who believes he is basically fielding a one man team (his teammates are a janitor, the lunch floor monitor and her son), has to decide what is the most important goal.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 12 "The Jerusalem Duality"

Fifteen year old genius Dennis Kim is a physics doctoral candidate who Gablechuk wants at the college at any cost. Dennis is much like Sheldon was at that age, with the ego and arrogance to match. As such, Sheldon doesn't like Dennis, especially after Dennis criticizes Sheldon's work on string theory, which is his primary research. But Sheldon realizes that one of the comments Dennis makes about his research is indeed true. For Sheldon, this realization means the end of his life as he knows it. Much to his genius friends' chagrin, Sheldon needs to find something academic to do, and who better to do it with than other geniuses (albeit less so than him). So Leonard, Howard and Raj decide that to get Sheldon back to the top of the heap status they need to take Dennis down a few notches by refocusing his fifteen year old mind on more pubescent pursuits.

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The Big Bang Theory" Season 1 Episode 11 "The Pancake Batter Anomaly"

Penny has the role of Mimi in a one-day workshop stage production of Rent, and asks Leonard and Sheldon if they want to go see her perform. Based on hearing Penny sing badly, Leonard and Sheldon decline, with Leonard even lying to her to get out of it. Sheldon is feeling uncomfortable in being a part of Leonard's lie, so he takes proactive measures to get out of that lie. Sheldon's actions don't hurt Penny but rather confuse Leonard. But Sheldon takes his proactive measure to the extreme, utilizing the hidden talents of Toby Loobenfeld, a research assistant in the particle physics lab.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 10 "The Loobenfeld Decay"

Penny has the role of Mimi in a one-day workshop stage production of Rent, and asks Leonard and Sheldon if they want to go see her perform. Based on hearing Penny sing badly, Leonard and Sheldon decline, with Leonard even lying to her to get out of it. Sheldon is feeling uncomfortable in being a part of Leonard's lie, so he takes proactive measures to get out of that lie. Sheldon's actions don't hurt Penny but rather confuse Leonard. But Sheldon takes his proactive measure to the extreme, utilizing the hidden talents of Toby Loobenfeld, a research assistant in the particle physics lab.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 9 "The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization"

Leonard finds a letter in the trash can, the letter an invitation for him and Sheldon to speak at an upcoming conference on the topic of their latest joint research findings. Sheldon threw the letter out since he didn't want to do it. This brings to the forefront several issues. Has Sheldon thrown out any other important letters to Leonard? Who has the right to their joint intellectual property, especially if Leonard wants to present? Whose idea was the research to begin with? In Penny's eyes, does Leonard own anything appropriate to wear to the conference? Can Leonard and Sheldon come to a compromise so that they will speak to each other and be friends again?

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 8 "The Grasshopper Experiment"

Raj's parents back in New Delhi have set him up with a childhood acquaintance of his named Lalita Gupta, who has just moved to California. Their plan is for the two to get married. Raj does not want to meet with Lalita let alone get married to her if only because he still has difficulties even speaking to women. Howard decides to take matters into his own hands to get Raj to at least meet with her. Meanwhile, Penny, wanting to practice her bartending skills, uses the guys as guinea pigs, which opens up a whole new world for Raj, especially at this critical time in his mating life. But even if Raj can speak to Lalita, the words that come out of his mouth will be equally as important.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 7 "The Dumpling Paradox"

Penny receives an unwanted visitor from Nebraska named Christy. In Penny's eyes, Christy is a loose woman with no morals. Hence, Christy is ripe for the picking by Howard. As Howard and Christy have a spontaneous get together using Penny's bedroom, Penny decides to ask Leonard and Sheldon if she can sleep overnight at their place, which elicits different responses from Leonard and Sheldon. Beyond Penny's sleeping problem, Howard hooking up with Christy causes more issues. First, Leonard, Sheldon and Raj are now missing a fourth in their regular activities. And second, they can all see that Christy is only using Howard. They have to figure out how to get Howard back.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 5 "The Hamburger Postulate"

When Leslie Winkle asks Leonard to join the faculty string quartet, he has no idea that it is a pretense for them to get together for other more personal endeavors, especially as their first and only experience in dating each other went nowhere. Leonard's not sure how to reconcile his feelings for immediate sex with Leslie versus his want to date Penny, especially if Penny finds out that he is in a potential relationship. Sheldon's not sure what the protocol is when a roommate has a spontaneous "guest". But Sheldon is aware that by the end of Leonard and Leslie's encounter, he feels violated. And Leonard's feelings may change when he understands Leslie's motivations.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 4 "The Luminous Fish Effect"

Sheldon isn't looking forward to the faculty mixer where he will meet his new boss, Dr. Eric Gablehauser, who Sheldon doesn't respect. Due to an inappropriate comment to Gablehauser, Sheldon promptly gets fired. Sheldon has no interest in getting his job back. With his new found free time, Sheldon works on a series of rather meaningless experiments at home, which drive Leonard and Penny crazy. Feeling at the end of his rope in dealing with a crazed Sheldon, Leonard calls in the one person who he thinks can get Sheldon out of his funk: his mother. Mary Cooper, a religious southerner, deals with her son in her own special way, which may have a side benefit to herself.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 3 "The Fuzzy Boots Corollary"

Leonard is still pining over Penny, but comes to the realization that she is out of his league when he sees her with her handsome latest date. Moving on, Leonard decides to ask out his colleague, Dr. Leslie Winkle, instead, who wants to treat this event like a sped up science experiment, with the results being more important than the process. With Leonard still thinking about Penny, Sheldon clarifies to Leonard that Penny has not rejected him since Leonard has never asked her out. But Penny's interpretation of Leonard's question makes Leonard reevaluate how to approach their "first date".

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 2 "The Big Bran Hypothesis"

Penny asks a favor of Leonard and Sheldon: to let the furniture delivery men into her apartment when they make the delivery of her recent purchase. She gives them a key to her apartment for this task. Leonard and Sheldon regret agreeing to do so when first the delivery men will not carry the delivery up the four flights of stairs, and second when they see the pigsty that is Penny's apartment, which just does not sit right with Sheldon's orderly attitude. Penny also ends up regretting asking them when Sheldon uses the key to sneak into her apartment at night when she is sleeping to tidy up, a task in which Leonard participates. Can Penny ever forgive them for violating her personal space, regardless of how immaculate the apartment looks?

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"

Twenty-somethings Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper are friends, roommates and physics geniuses working at Cal Tech. As such, they are self-professed geeks. Their social companions are Howard Wolowitz and Raj Koothrappali (who does not speak to women), fellow geniuses at Cal Tech. Originally from Omaha, Nebraska, beautiful Penny, a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory and an aspiring screenwriter and actress, moves in next door to them in their apartment building. On their initial social interaction - an impromptu lunch in the guys' apartment - the guys learn that Penny has a different mentality than them. This difference however does not stop Leonard from being attracted to her. They also learn that Penny is heartbroken from the end of a four year relationship. Just because she asked, Leonard agrees to pick up her television from her ex-boyfriend, with who she is having a dispute about the ownership of said television...

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Quick Update

The complete series of The Tudors is now up, you can see all the posts in the The Tudors under Category.

The Tudors: Season 4 Episode 10 "Death of a Monarchy"

Henry is forced to surrender Boulogne, his great prize, as part of a peace treaty with France. But where, in the past, he might have felt anger, his feelings now turn melancholic with the news that King Francis, his long-time friend and sometimes foe, is dying. There is a slow, quiet and nonetheless inevitable shifting of allegiances as Henry’s own health begins to fade. Factions are forming at court as thoughts turn towards a successor. Some see Prince Edward, Henry’s son by Jane Seymour, as his natural heir while others, notably Bishop Gardiner, are determined to restore a Catholic to the throne in the person of Princess Mary. Under the orders of Gardiner, an arrest warrant for Queen Catherine is issued on the grounds of heresy. However, when Wriothesley and his men come to arrest the Queen – believing that they are carrying out the King’s orders - they are brutally rebuffed by Henry in a complex psychological game that leaves everyone uncertain of his allegiances and beliefs. For his overreaching ambition, Bishop Gardiner is expelled from court. Hearing that Charles Brandon is very ill, the King summons his old friend to court. It is to be their last encounter: Brandon dies soon after and Henry is greatly shaken; his longest and most loyal ally is now gone. Henry also commissions artist Hans Holbein to do a portrait of him, but soon rejects the realistically sickly depiction and demands that Holbein repaint it. He sees the ghosts of his past wives with his children: Katherine of Aragon, who tells him that Mary should have been married and have children of her own by now; Anne Boleyn, who proclaims her innocence of the crimes she was beheaded for and the ill-fated death she and her cousin Katherine Howard had suffered; and Jane Seymour, who tells him that she is upset at young Edward's treatment and that Edward will die young. Realizing that his own death is now imminent, Henry retreats more and more into himself and sends Queen Catherine and his beloved daughters Elizabeth and Mary away from Whitehall Palace, telling them that he will not see them again. Instead of remaining outside the King's chambers as Queen Catherine and Princess Mary do, Elizabeth is the first to leave; Mary expected no different. As Henry sits alone in his room reflecting on his monumentous reign, he is summoned back to see his new portrait, of which he approves, and turns and leaves the room as the titles roll.

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The Tudors: Season 4 Episode 9 "Secrets of the Heart"

King Henry VIII is aging rapidly: the recent siege of Boulogne has taken its toll, his ulcerous leg is constantly in pain, and he now requires glasses to read. Political events continue to be tumultuous and exhausting. The profligate Earl of Surrey, a noble not known for his sense of judgment, loses 600 men in an unprovoked battle in France, endangering Henry’s recent success at Boulogne. News arrives that the King of France is preparing for war and, worse, that the Emperor Charles, England’s recent ally, has seized English ships and properties. The rising influence of Bishop Gardiner is signaled by the appointment of a Catholic, Wriothesley, to the important position of Lord Chancellor. Nonetheless the Lutherans continue with their radical reforms, the latest of which is women preachers. One such preacher, Anne Askew, is imprisoned and tortured by Wriothesley and then burnt at the stake for her perceived heresies. Sir Richard Rich brings bad news to the Princess Mary; her best friend, and long-time confidante, Eustace Chapuys, is dead. Mary avows that it is all her fault for not being a boy, and declares, that, if she becomes Queen, then she will return England to the true faith. Sensing their rise in authority, Gardiner and his allies are determined to trap Queen Catherine. Brazenly, the Bishop suggests to the King that he has proof of her heresy. Henry confuses the Bishop with the reply that even if this were true – and he probably knows that it is - he would spare her life. The Earl of Surrey, however, is not so fortunate. Defiant on his return to court, he fails to convince Henry’s Privy Council with his explanation of how so many men were lost under his command in France. His rank is withdrawn and the King refuses to see him. Surrey’s wild antics and attitude have won him no friends among Henry’s closest advisers, and he is arrested on charges of treason. After a quick and one-sided trial he is sentenced to death.

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The Tudors: Season 4 Episode 8 "As It Should Be"

The year is 1544. Under the supervision of Henry VIII, the Earl of Surrey and his men attempt to undermine the French fortifications at Boulogne. Clearly pleased to be once again in the field of battle, the King dines and entertains in style at his tent some distance from the action. But progress is slow and conditions are appalling for his soldiers. Over two thousand men die of disease and starvation and another three thousand fall ill as ‘the flux’ sweeps the King’s camp. When hope of success seems all but lost, Treviso, the King’s engineer, explodes a mine that spectacularly brings down the city's walls. The French surrender to a gloating Henry, who returns to England in triumph and commands festivities and celebrations throughout the land. Charles Brandon, who has been separated from his wife for some time, finds happiness with a young Frenchwoman, Brigitte, who returns with him from France. While Henry too has been rejuvenated by the siege of Boulogne, given a taste once more of the vigor and vitality of his youth, he may have pushed his already weakened body too far.

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The Tudors: Season 4 Episode 7 "Sixth and the Final Wife"

Henry marries Catherine Parr, his sixth and final wife. The wedding is notable for the presence of Henry’s daughters, the now restored Princesses Mary and Elizabeth. Catherine is determined to be a loving stepmother to the King’s children, who are fond of her in return. Plans are made for the invasion of France, and Charles Brandon is named commander of the English armies. The emissaries of the Emperor Charles, with whom Henry has formed an alliance, are entertained in great style at the English court where, to their surprise and delight, Princess Mary addresses them in Spanish. As the Catholic influence increases, Bishop Gardiner begins to investigate the new Queen’s religious beliefs. She is rumored to be a secret Protestant and he intends to expose her. But any such suspicions are excused by the courage and commitment she shows in nursing the King when he is once again struck down by his ulcerous leg. There has never been a Queen so attentive to Henry at his most vulnerable. The war effort is elaborate and costly. Three hundred ships have been requisitioned to take guns, wagons, horses and the army to France. The King may not be in peak condition but he is determined to lead his armies into battle, to recapture both the lands he once held and a glimmer of his youth. To the shock and horror of Bishop Gardiner, the King appoints Catherine regent in his absence, protector of the realm and guardian of his children. The new Queen rises to the opportunity with ease and is well liked and respected by all.

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The Tudors: Season 4 Episode 6 "You Have My Permission"

In a surprise decision, the King orders a new Act of Parliament which restores the succession rights of his two daughters, Princess Mary and Princess Elizabeth, and, although they are next in line after their younger brother Edward, it is a powerful gesture of his love, which will have historical consequences. The King dispatches Hertford and his arch enemy the Earl of Surrey north to warn the King of Scotland that any further acts of aggression will be responded to with the might of England’s armies. But Surrey is no man for issuing warnings, and the body count is high at the Battle of Solway Moss. Meanwhile, both the ambassador of France and the ambassador of the Holy Roman Empire seek the support of Henry in attacking each other. To the surprise of his court, Henry sides with the Catholic Emperor, for the first time since he was married to his first wife, Katherine of Aragon. The Catholic alliance signals a weakening of the Reformation’s influence in English politics. Realizing that the tide is turning, Bishop Stephen Gardiner goes on the hunt for suspected Calvinists. Single once again, Henry takes an interest in the twice-married Catherine Parr, a woman closer to his own age than his usual fancies. She has in mind to marry Thomas Seymour, but within hours of her husband’s death, Seymour is hastily transferred to Brussels as permanent Ambassador, and the King proposes marriage.

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The Tudors: Season 4 Episode 5 "Bottom of the Pot"

The King receives an anonymous letter accusing his wife of sexual relationships with two men, including Francis Dereham. Henry thinks the whole thing is a fraud but nonetheless orders an investigation, to be led by Lord Hertford. Queen Katherine is shocked to be confined to her apartments by the King’s orders, with no visitors permitted. The investigation into her past moves with speed: Francis Dereham is arrested and interrogated; Joan Bulmer is questioned, as is the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk, at whose home Joan and Catherine lived as young women, where their immoral acts are rumored to have taken place. Dereham confesses that he and Katherine Howard had planned to get married and that he knew her carnally before she became Queen — a serious revelation, but not adultery. Uncharacteristically, Henry weeps when told of these discoveries. Nevertheless, his response is unsentimental and swift: Katherine Howard is removed from court and her title as Queen withdrawn. Her pleas for understanding and forgiveness are coldly ignored, but she knows she is lucky to escape with her life. Francis Dereham is brutally tortured as Lord Hertford seeks to establish whether Katherine committed adultery. Dereham denies the charge but points to Thomas Culpepper, who is promptly arrested. Furious that the betrayal was widely known, Henry isolates himself from his court. Later, Katherine Howard, Thomas Culpeper, Francis Dereham and Lady Rochford are all executed, and Joan is lucky to escape with her life. Betrayed, bruised but unbowed, the King gives a banquet, attended only by 26 beautiful young women.

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The Tudors: Season 4 Episode 4 "Natural Ally"

Pontefract Castle, Yorkshire was the only royal property captured by the rebels during the Catholic uprising known as the ‘Pilgrimage of Grace’. In a symbolic gesture, it now welcomes Henry and his large entourage. Rejuvenated by the affection he has experienced in his tour of the north of England, Henry feels a stirring sexual energy towards his Queen. Charles Brandon, on the other hand, senses death as he remembers the hangings and punishments he oversaw as the King’s representative during the Northern rebellion. In a castle full of ghosts, Queen Katherine sees something like one when a young man arrives at her door. He is Francis Dereham, one of the men she had sexual liaisons with before she married the King... and he wants a job. Threatened with blackmail, she has little choice but to give in. Katherine Howard’s past begins to catch up with her on another front.

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The Tudors: Season 4 Episode 3 "Something for You"

Henry VIII is in great spirits. Buoyed by the happiness that a young wife brings an aging man, he is noticeably more tolerant and forgiving than the Henry of old. He pardons a criminal, visits Princess Elizabeth and plans a visit to the North of England – his first visit to the territory that hatched the ‘Pilgrimage of Grace’ rebellion. Charles Brandon is ordered to go ahead and make preparations. Scenes of rebellion are now closer to home. Unknown to the doting King, his wife Katherine Howard has begun a serious flirtation with Culpeper with the assistance of her lady in waiting, Lady Rochford. Cuckolding the King is a capital offense, but Henry can play by different rules and takes his pleasure in the bed of Anne of Cleves, the ex-wife he once thought ugly. A large and impressive entourage accompanies the King, Queen and Princess Mary north to the city of Lincoln for the royal visit. In his appreciation for the warm welcome he receives, Henry gives a speech forgiving the city for its earlier revolt, and the Lady Mary gives a speech. Feeling benevolent and powerful once more, the King longs to be with his young bride but his troublesome leg-wound makes him tired and irritable and confines him to his room. Thomas Culpepper, on the other hand, is young, passionate and fit for a Queen.

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The Tudors: Season4 Episode 2 "Sister"

Thomas Culpepper - principal groom to Henry VIII - continues to make eyes at his King’s young bride, Katherine Howard. He is not alone; the teen Queen inspires many admirers in Henry’s court, not least the King himself who spoils his new wife with an endless supply of extravagant gifts. Lady Rochford gets plenty of gossip about her new mistress from Katherine’s old friend and indiscreet lady-in-waiting Joan Bulmer who hints about their sexual adventures as young ladies. When Rochford sleeps with Culpepper soon after, he doesn’t hide that the Queen is his real desire and she helpfully suggests that she aid him in seducing Katherine. On a drinking binge with his cronies in one of London’s nastiest neighborhoods, the arrogant Lord Surrey persecutes prostitutes, smashes windows and causes general mayhem. Not content with stirring up trouble after dark, Surrey intends to be the scourge of the Seymour brothers – Edward and Thomas- whom he considers mere commoners. As part of the Christmas festivities Henry invites his previous wife Anne of Cleves to the palace. He is pleasantly surprised by her beauty - something he missed when they were married - and delighted by her graciousness. But where once he was the life and soul of such parties, the aging King goes to bed early and the party grows boisterous in his absence. Never before have two of Henry’s wives had such fun together, nor have so many of his male courtiers enjoyed openly ogling their Queen, nor has Princess Mary ever hated a Queen as much as she hates Katherine Howard, since Katherine's cousin, and mother of Elizabeth, Anne Boleyn, was on the throne.

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The Tudors: Season 4 Episode 1 "Moment of Nostalgia"

Whitehall Palace, London 1540. Thirty years into the reign of King Henry VIII and it’s been a long, hot, summer: London is experiencing intense heat and there has been no rain for two months. But while his subjects wilt, the King’s vigor remains undiminished. The Reformation goes on and Henry has just married the beautiful Katherine Howard, his fifth Queen, who is a mere seventeen years old. Katherine is different from earlier wives in more ways than age: far from being nobility she was ‘discovered’ by some of the King’s friends in a boarding
house for wayward young ladies. Charles Brandon, and his wife, Catherine Brandon, are separated after Charles's actions in defeating the Pilgrimage of Grace. Joan Bulmer, the new Queen’s childhood friend, is hired as a lady in waiting; she knows too much scandalous detail about Katherine’s sexual past to be outside the court. The Queen’s ‘low’ background, combined with her youth and beauty, arouses a lusty familiarity in certain members of Henry’s court. Her most notable admirer is the King’s handsome and ambitious new groom Thomas Culpeper, who makes no secret of his desire for the new Queen during an extended hunting trip visit by the royal entourage. Culpeper unleashes his sexual frustrations by raping an unfortunate local peasant woman and then murdering her aggrieved husband. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Grimm: Season 1 Episode 2 "Bears Will Be Bears"

Nick and Hank investigate the claim of a teenage girl who broke into a home with her boyfriend, that someone attacked her boyfriend. They soon discover that the home owners are not all that they seem. Meanwhile, Nick asks Eddy to watch over Marie when Renard withdraws the police detail at the hospital.

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Grimm: Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot

Portland homicide detective Nick Burkhardt discovers that he is the latest in a lineage of "Grimms," monster hunters with the gift to see past their human facade. As he comes to grips with his new abilities, he must track down a killer who has abducted a young girl and plans to fatten her up before eating her.

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Hell On Wheel: Season 1 Episode 1

The year is 1865 and after his wife is killed, Cullen Bohannon, a former Confederate solider decides to enact revenge on a group of corrupted Union officials. However, to do so, he will have to work and travel with the construction unit of the transcontinental railroad.

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Cherokee Rose: Season 2 Episode 4

All is quiet at the Hershel homestead. You'd almost think the zombie apocalypse hadn't occurred. It did, of course, and we're soon reminded by the arrival of all our favorite survivors, who have abandoned their highway campsite for country living.

Carl continues to recover under the watch of Rick and Lori. Dale is overjoyed that the boy will OK -- and Rick makes a point to thank Shane for his heroics. Of course, Shane knows HOW he was able to get away from the undead and shudders at the memory. His shame becomes worse when Hershel asks him to speak during Otis's funeral. "You were the last one with him," cries Patricia. "Please, I need to hear." Shane spins a story about Otis being a hero who willingly sacrificed himself to save Carl. It's a convincing story.

Later, the entire gang turns its attention toward missing Sophia, pouring over survey maps and the like. Hershel politely suggests that the new arrivals don't carry guns on his property. Shane doesn't like it, but Rick agrees. Maggie then volunteers to go to the local pharmacy to stock up on medical supplies. Rick suggests that Glenn accompany her. Sometime later, Lori and Shane have an awkward exchange. "Did you mean it?" Shane asks. "When you said 'stay,' did you mean it?" Says Lori: "I meant it." Shane then teaches Andrea how to strip the weapons before he stores them all in the RV. Hershel, meanwhile, approaches Rick with a stern reminder. "Once you find this girl and your boy is fit for travel, I expect you'll move on," Hershel says. "We need to be clear on that."

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Undoing of Cromwell: Season 3 Episode 8

Henry moves swiftly to annul his loveless marriage to Anne of Cleves, and beds a new mistress, 17-year-old Katherine Howard (Tamzin Merchant); Princess Mary falls in love with Duke Philip of Bavaria in spite of their religions, only to be heartbroken when he is sent away from court; Cromwell's fall from favour is sudden and dramatic. The season ends with Cromwell's beheading.

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Protestant Anne of Cleves: Season 3 Episode 7

War looms with France and Spain aligning against England with backing from Rome, so Henry agrees to a politically fortuitous marriage with Anne of Cleves (Joss Stone), a plain and unsophisticated German aristocrat he has never met.

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Search for a New Queen: Season 3 Episode 6

Matchmaking begins in earnest as Cromwell schemes to secure the Reformation by marrying Henry to a Protestant wife - but the king's marital reputation precedes him; the condition of Henry's wounded leg turns life-threatening.

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Problems in the Reformation: Season 3 Episode 5

Henry remains in seclusion while mourning the queen's death, an opportunity that enemies of the crown seize to murder several friends of the court; Cromwell is disturbed when Henry doesn't resist his new church's similarities to Catholicism.

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The Death of a Queen: Season 3 Season 4

The leaders of the Pilgrimage of Grace uprising are put to death, but Brandon is haunted by the cruelty and mercilessness of the suppression and his part in it; Henry celebrates the birth of a son but his joy is short-lived as Queen Jane dies within days.

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Dissension and Punishment: Season 3 Episode 3

Queen Jane and Lady Mary bring the toddler Lady Elizabeth to court, and Henry reconciles with her at the Christmas holiday. He also makes promises of pardons and redress of grievances to the leaders of the Pilgrimage of Grace, while making plans to bring them to heel for their insurrection, then using a further uprising as an excuse to have Charles Brandon put the leaders to death.

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The Northern Uprising: Season 3 Episode 2

The rebellion now known as the Pilgrimage of Grace in York begins in earnest, with Henry dispatching Brandon to deal with the uprising. Bedridden due to the painful ulcerating of his jousting injury, Henry takes a new mistress: Lady Ursula Misseldon in his frustration at the Queen's lack of pregnancy. Now reconciled with his daughter, Lady Mary, Queen Jane unveils the girl at court in a bid to see her restored to the succession.

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Civil Unrest: Season 3 Episode 1

The third season premier. Days after Anne Boleyn's execution, Henry VIII weds a third time, to shy, demure noblewoman Jane Seymour - a union that he and his advisers pray will result in a male heir; Henry appears to an apparently pleased court, but secretly Thomas Cromwell and Lord Rich worry for their plans for a reformation. Lady Ursula Misseldon arrives at court to wait upon the new queen, and is soon mistress to Sir Francis Bryan. Lady Mary is threatened with death unless she submits to her father's authority and, under guidance from the Spanish ambassador, reluctantly complies. A number of Catholics, once-loyal subjects, rebel in objection to Henry's crusade against Catholicism and the dissolution of the monasteries, shaking Cromwell's new-found confidence, and enraging Henry. 

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