Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Act of Succession: Season 2 Episode 4

Questions of faith dominate the court. As the infant Princess Elizabeth is baptised, the 'Act of Succession' is unveiled declaring that only children of Henry and Anne are legitimate successors to the English throne. A law is passed where every royal subject must take an oath, on pain of death, recognising the validity of the King's new marriage and the supremacy of Henry VIII in all matters. Bishop Fisher and Sir Thomas More refuse and are imprisoned in the Tower. Katherine of Aragon lives now in total seclusion, and Lady Mary is sent to be a maid to the baby Princess Elizabeth, her half-sister. Pregnant again, Anne Boleyn, at her father's prompting, tacitly approves of the king's philandering with ladies of the court, albeit those of her own choosing and posing no political threat to her.

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Checkmate: Season 2 Episode 3

Henry destroys all ties with authority and the past. After many failed attempts to have his marriage to Katherine annulled by the Catholic Church, Henry runs out of patience and marries a pregnant Anne Boleyn in secret. He appoints the young Lutheran Thomas Cranmer to succeed the deceased William Warham as Archbishop of Canterbury and strips Queen Katherine of her title and status, along with Princess Mary; they are hence to be known as the Princess Dowager of Wales and the Lady Mary, respectively. Anne Boleyn is crowned Queen of England to a very small and uneager crowd and escapes an assassination attempt. Pope Paul III threatens to excommunicate the king and the church of England from the Roman Catholic Church if Henry does not return to Katherine. Henry is also disappointed when Anne Boleyn gives birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, instead of his desired son, and soon resumes his philandering with ladies of the court.

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Tears of Blood: Season 2 Episode 2

As the Catholic Church struggles in vain to control Henry VIII's demands for an annulment, the King appoints himself head of the Church of England. When Anne Boleyn insists Henry break all contacts with Katherine, the Queen is banished from court. The Reformation has begun. Anne is created Marquess of Pembroke before she and Henry visit France to present Anne as the future Queen of England and Henry's future wife. After talks between both Henry and Anne with the French King to secure his support, in their chamber, Anne finally submits sexually to Henry, begging him to help her conceive the son and heir they both want, narrowly avoiding another encounter with the Imperial-hired assassin.

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Destiny and Fortune: Season 2 Episode 10

As Anne Boleyn awaits her death, which is painfully delayed by the executioner's late arrival, Henry visits Jane Seymour and asks for her hand in marriage. Declaring his marriage to Anne null and void means that their daughter Elizabeth becomes illegitimate and is no longer in line to the throne, clearing the way for a legitimate heir to come from his marriage with Jane. The season ends with Anne Boleyn's beheading. 

The Act of Treason: Season 2 Episode 9

Anne has lost a son and with it her last chance at a lasting marriage with Henry. The King's affections are shifting anyway: the Seymour family are awarded new and more luxurious rooms at court and soon replace the Boleyns as the new royal favorites. Several members of the court begin to move against Anne who is accused of adultery and witchcraft. Arrests are made of suspected lovers and of Anne herself. All, including the Queen, are sentenced to death. Four of Anne's supposed lovers, including her trusted friend Mark Smeaton and her beloved brother George are executed at the Tower while a grief-stricken Anne awaits her own fate.

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Lady in Waiting: Season 2 Episode 8

At Henry's command Jane Seymour is made a lady-in-waiting to Anne Boleyn, much to the discomfort and suspicion of the Queen. Emperor Charles indicates his interest in renewed relation with England. However Charles insists that legitimizing Lady Mary as Henry's heir be a condition of the renewed relation. When Henry is seriously injured in a jousting match all thoughts turn to who might succeed him. Anne finds Henry with Jane and the shock leads to another miscarriage. Discouraged by yet another failed pregnancy, the episode closes with Henry declaring his marriage with Anne null and void, citing witchcraft.

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Matters of State: Season 2 Episode 7

As Thomas Cromwell's increasingly ruthless 'reforms' spread terror through an ever more vulnerable Catholic Church, Anne Boleyn has nightmares that her position at the King's side is under threat from the continued existence of former Queen Katherine and her daughter Mary. Meanwhile Henry is occupied by the sad news of Katherine's death and later has a happy encounter with Lady Jane Seymour. Anne Boleyn announces to her father that she is pregnant with a son.

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The Definition of Love: Season 2 Episode 6

As the Reformation gathers pace, Sir Thomas Cromwell becomes ever more powerful as propagandist-in-chief of a new moral order. Royal confidence has given way to doubt. Henry is haunted by the memory of the executed Thomas More while Queen Anne Boleyn's insecurities border on paranoia. Her husband's affairs continue and an effort to have her daughter Elizabeth betrothed to a French prince fails when the French King refuses to recognise that the infant Princess is of legitimate birth. As a result of this debacle, fractures begin to appear in Henry and Anne's marriage.

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His Majesty's Pleasure: Season 2 Episode 5

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Attempts to legitimise the King's marriage and increase his power hit firm obstacles as Sir Thomas More and Cardinal Fisher insist that only Christ can be the head of the church. Meanwhile Henry's wandering eye continues to roam. Anne miscarries a child and fears that the king has lost his love for her. Anne also fears the Lady Mary and Katherine of Aragon for she feels that Henry may still designate Mary as future Queen over their own daughter, Elizabeth. Also, Anne's relationship with her older sister, Mary Boleyn, deteriorates when Mary marries a commoner in secret and becomes pregnant with his child without asking her permission; Anne has the pair banished from court. Imprisoned in the Tower, Cardinal Fisher and Sir Thomas More face likely execution unless they take the Oath of Allegiance. Both still refuse, even after More received pleas from his family, and both are found guilty of high treason, and are beheaded.

The Tudors: Season 2 Episode 4

Questions of faith dominate the court. As the infant Princess Elizabeth is baptised, the 'Act of Succession' is unveiled declaring that only children of Henry and Anne are legitimate successors to the English throne. A law is passed where every royal subject must take an oath, on pain of death, recognising the validity of the King's new marriage and the supremacy of Henry VIII in all matters. Bishop Fisher and Sir Thomas More refuse and are imprisoned in the Tower. Katherine of Aragon lives now in total seclusion, and Lady Mary is sent to be a maid to the baby Princess Elizabeth, her half-sister. Pregnant again, Anne Boleyn, at her father's prompting, tacitly approves of the king's philandering with ladies of the court, albeit those of her own choosing and posing no political threat to her.

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The Tudors : Season 2 Episode 3

Henry destroys all ties with authority and the past. After many failed attempts to have his marriage to Katherine annulled by the Catholic Church, Henry runs out of patience and marries a pregnant Anne Boleyn in secret. He appoints the young Lutheran Thomas Cranmer to succeed the deceased William Warham as Archbishop of Canterbury and strips Queen Katherine of her title and status, along with Princess Mary; they are hence to be known as the Princess Dowager of Wales and the Lady Mary, respectively. Anne Boleyn is crowned Queen of England to a very small and uneager crowd and escapes an assassination attempt. Pope Paul III threatens to excommunicate the king and the church of England from the Roman Catholic Church if Henry does not return to Katherine. Henry is also disappointed when Anne Boleyn gives birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, instead of his desired son, and soon resumes his philandering with ladies of the court.

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The Tudors: Season 2 Episode 1

As he seeks the annulment of his marriage to Katherine of Aragon, King Henry VIII appoints himself the head of the Church of England. Anne Boleyn insists that Henry remove Queen Katherine from the picture -- and Court. The new Pope Paul III, not wanting to displease either the king or the queen, practically suggests that Anne Boleyn be assassinated instead. Thomas Cranmer receives a promotion as the king's chaplain. The Boleyns bribe a cook to poison the food of the dissident Bishop of Rochester, John Fisher. The bishop survives and the cook is boiled alive. King Henry banishes the Queen from court. At the end of this episode the Spanish ambassador is seen discussing the assassination of Anne with an unknown, hooded man.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Page Added " The Tudors"

Just added The Tudors season 1 enjoy.

Here is a shortcut to the video section for Season 1: The Tudors

The Death of Wolsey: Season 1 Episode 10

Wolsey, now acting solely as the Archbishop of York and living in relative poverty, is repudiated by Anne Boleyn and writes to Queen Katherine instead, trying to gain her support. Thomas More uses his new powers as Chancellor and starts actively persecuting prominent LutheransKing Henry finds his new Privy Counsellors less proficient than Wolsey was in running the country. He also starts finding elements much to his liking in the teachings of Luther, and dispatches Thomas Cromwell to various faculties of theology, hopefully to obtain favourable opinions regarding his intended divorce. Wolsey's secret communication with the Queen is uncovered and he is arrested and charged with high treason. His fall from grace now complete, Wolsey laments his decadent lifestyle and commits suicide in a jail cell en route to London. Anne Boleyn engages Henry in a sexual encounter, but forces him to perform coitus interruptus after which a furious Henry storms off. 

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Look to God First: Season 1 Episode 9

The legatine trial on the legitimacy of King Henry's marriage to Katherine continues despite the queen's refusal to attend, but the papal envoy receives notice to return to Rome and place the evidence to the judgement of the Curia. The king engages in frantic diplomacy with the French king, but he aligns with the Holy Roman Emperor instead. The pope procrastinates and Henry, goaded by the conspirators Thomas Boleyn, the Duke of Norfolk and Charles Brandon, strips Wolsey of his temporal power and properties, bans him from court and instructs him to resume his now sole role as Archbishop of YorkThomas More reluctantly succeeds Wolsey as Chancellor of the realm and Princess Margaret falls ill with tuberculosis and dies. Anne Boleyn subtly and opportunely asks the king to reacquaint himself with the subject of Lutheranism.

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Truth and Justice: Season 1 Episode 8

The Pope's legate Cardinal Lorenzo Campeggio arrives to hear the case for King Henry VIII's divorce from Katherine of AragonCardinal Wolsey intimidates Campeggio: "Let me make certain things plain to you. If you do not grant the King his divorce, papal authority in England will be annihilated!" Wolsey has assured Henry that the divorce will be granted, but the Pope and Campeggio are not so easily swayed. A desperate Wolsey begs Queen Katherine to abdicate the marriage, but she ultimately refuses. Wolsey's enemies circle; Anne Boleyn plants more doubt in Henry's mind about Wolsey, who soon threatens Campeggio both physically and politically. A Legatine Court convenes at Blackfriar's Church, and both Henry and Katherine plead their cases. 

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Message to the Emperor: Season 1 Episode 7

William Compton dies of the "sweating sickness" at Compton Wynates, his house in Warwickshire. As King Henry VIII receives positive news of his war against Emperor Charles, the sickness spreads wildly. Henry flees the palace and London, and starts having doubts about the future and his ability to rule the country. Both Anne Boleyn and Cardinal Wolsey are stricken with the disease. 

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True Love: Season 1 Episode 6

As King Henry gains in confidence, his displeasure with the way the Catholic church handles his request for an annulment of his marriage to Katherine of Aragon grows. As a result, Cardinal Wolsey's position is weakening, leaving him vulnerable to his enemies. 

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Arise, My Lord: Season 1 Episode 5

King Henry is stunned by a reversal in his alliance with Emperor Charles and forced to look elsewhere for European support, while Anne Boleyn refuses his offer of mistress status, inflaming his desire to marry her. Katherine of Aragon's alliance with Charles and her hatred for Cardinal Wolsey intensify. 

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His Majesty, The King: Season 1 Episode 4

As a reward for his denunciation of Martin Luther in his book, the Defence of the Seven Sacraments, the Pope christens Henry "Defender of the Faith", but a brush with death causes the King to seek a solution to his lack of an heir. Princess Margaret reluctantly marries the decrepit King of Portugal, but the union is short-lived; Henry's desire for Anne Boleyn intensifies. 

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Wolsey, Wolsey, Wolsey!: Season 1 Episode 3

As Cardinal Wolsey has lost his chance to be Pope with King Henry's decision to go to war against France, a new accord with Spain and Queen Katherine's nephew CharlesHoly Roman Emperor, offers him fresh hope. Thomas More is knighted by Henry, and charged with destroying any copies of the Lutheran "heresy" he can seize, obviously paining More (although he, too, considers it heretical). Princess Mary's engagement to the Dauphin of France is broken off in favour of a marriage to Charles of Spain; and Henry's elder sister, Princess Margaret, is to marry the King of PortugalCharles Brandon, Henry's friend, is made Duke of Suffolk in order to be able to escort her to Portugal. 

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Simply Henry: Season 1 Episode 2

With Thomas More's encouragement, King Henry prepares to meet King Francis of France and sign Cardinal Wolsey's peace treaty. Henry had promised the hand of his daughter, Princess Mary, to the Dauphin of France, which caused strife between Henry and his queen,Katherine of Aragon. In France, Thomas Boleyn maneuvers his elder daughter Mary into Henry's bed in an effort to secure favor for the family. The Duke of Buckingham plots against the King, claiming a better right to the throne than Henry Tudor; but his purpose is betrayed by Thomas Boleyn. Katherine of Aragon continues to pray for Henry to give her a live, healthy son, but Henry wrestles with the theological problem of having married his brother's wife, and questions whether his lack of sons could be God's punishment. There is much celebration as Lady Elizabeth Blount gives birth to Henry's illegitimate son, to Katherine's pain.

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In Cold Blood: Season 1 Episode 1

Henry's uncle, Ambassador to Urbino, is assassinated by the French and Henry seizes upon this event to plan a war with France to establish his immortal reputation and seize back the title of King of France. More interested in his own ambitions, the Lord Chancellor, Cardinal Wolsey, manipulates the young king to propose a "Treaty of Universal Peace" with France instead. Thomas More, Henry's teacher and a humanist, is in favour of the treaty which further convinces a reluctant Henry to abandon his war plans. A summit is to take place in France, and—against Katherine's express wishes—their daughter Mary is to be betrothed to the Dauphin of France, also still a child. Meanwhile, Henry has a rival to the throne in the Duke of Buckingham, a blood relative to earlier Kings. Buckingham plots to murder Henry and thus grab the throne for himself, letting Thomas Boleyn and the Duke of Norfolk in on his plan. Boleyn's beautiful daughters Mary and Anne prepare to meet King Henry; meanwhile, Henry discovers that Lady Elizabeth Blount, his mistress and one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting, is pregnant with his child. 

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Quick Update

Quick Update

Spartacus Blood and Sand complete series have just been added. Here is a Trailer if you are interested.

Here is the link for the Page.

Spartacus Blood and Sand Page

Kill Them All: Episode 13

In order to get his revenge, Spartacus enlists the help of Crixus and the rest of the gladiators to defeat the house of Batiatus once and for all. A battle to the death between Crixus and Spartacus is arranged for the Capua elite at the ludus. Doctore (who Batiatus refers to by his real name, Oenomaus) confronts Batiatus about Barca's death and Ashur's hand in it. Spartacus gains support from Mira who is tasked with opening the gate to the villa from the training area. Crixus resists aiding Spartacus in hopes of reuniting with Naevia. However, after learning he was weakened to ensure Spartacus' victory, at the last moment he joins with Spartacus. Doctore initially stops Spartacus from killing Batiatus. In the ensuing chaos of the gladiators killing the guards and some guests, Crixus persuades Doctore to join him with Spartacus, Illithyia escapes and has her guards seal the outside door to the ludus, Doctore, making good on his word, tries to kill Ashur but ends up being eluded, Crixus grievously wounds Lucretia with a sword stab to her abdomen piercing her womb and killing their unborn child, Aurelia kills Numerius after revealing to him that Varro was her husband, and Spartacus finally kills Batiatus in front of the seriously wounded Lucretia. After the massacre, Spartacus vows to free Rome of its slavery.

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Revelations: Episode 12

Lucretia and Batiatus anticipate the arrival of Glaber, the husband of Ilithyia; Spartacus, after slaying Solonius in the arena, plans revenge against Batiatus. Spartacus is warned by Mira that if he goes through with the murder of Batiatus, he is risking not only his life, but the life of all slaves due to the Roman laws. When Glaber visits, Spartacus is ordered to fight against his soldiers as a demonstration of his skill. The relationship between Crixus and Naevia is revealed to Lucretia, who is now pregnant and whose relationship with Crixus is made known by Batiatus. The mystery behind Barca's death is finally revealed to Doctore by Naevia. 

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Old Wounds: Episode 11

Spartacus wrestles with the death of Varro and admits to Varro's wife Aurelia that his best friend died by his hands. A festering wound from the fight with Varro weakens Spartacus. While he recuperates with the help of the medicus and Mira, visions of Varro and Sura haunt his feverish dreams, urging him to "tend the wound". As Crixus reclaims some of his lost glory, Spartacus discovers Batiatus' hand in Sura's death. Batiatus kidnaps Magistrate Calavius and Ashur aids in setting up Solonius for Calavius' murder. 

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Party Favors: Episode 10

Dominus invites Spartacus to play a board game called Latrunculi for which Dominus's wife asks as why he is playing with a slave at which he credits their current status to the man. Spartacus and Crixus are set up to fight in an exhibition match for Numerius' coming of age party, when he will don the toga virilis, but Crixus is intent on blood. Ilithyia seduces Numerius to get Spartacus to fight, and then kill, Varro instead. Deeply saddened, Spartacus is forced to kill Varro against his will. Stricken with grief, Spartacus smashes the objects in his cell until Mira comes to comfort him.

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Whore: Episode 9

Licinia, a rich noble woman and cousin of Marcus Crassus, the senator, has asked Lucretia to taste the wares of ludus, i.e. have a masked encounter with Spartacus. Lucretia, having a mind that Spartacus would not satisfy the needs of "a noble Roman woman", prods a servant to prepare him for his encounter with Licinia. Ilithyia is of the same mind and, jealous of her rich friend's desires, also wants to have a secret masked encounter but with Crixus. Enraged, Lucretia has other plans in mind for her friend. Ilithyia unknowingly has sex with Spartacus before Licinia and Lucretia arrive and discover her. In a rage, Ilithyia murders Licinia after it is revealed that they both had intended to see her succumb to scandal of allowing Spartacus to sleep with his enemy's wife. Varro's wife has gone missing, and Spartacus arranges for one of the female house slaves to search for her. Ashur, slighted, apparently makes a deal with the enemy of Batiatus.

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Mark of the Brotherhood: Episode 8

Spartacus continues to embrace his new standing as the champion of Capua. The former champion, Crixus, recovers from his wounds and struggles to return to training to protect himself from being sold by Batiatus because he is suspected of being too damaged to be the fighter that he once was. The ludus acquires six new recruits that begin training, and Ilithyia finances one of the recruits with her own coin. Impulsively, she makes promises of freedom to her champion in training in exchange for an act he must carry out. When he is discovered in an attempt to carry out this act, he finds himself emasculated and crucified as punishment. Crixus and Spartacus find the meaning of brotherhood with one another, but still do not become great friends

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Great and Unfortunate Things: Episode 7

Spartacus has to find new meaning after his world is changed by the death of his wife and finds it in the arena. In the absence of Barca, Pietros struggles without a protector in the ludus and the attentions of Gnaeus. Varro is visited by his wife and receives unwelcome news. Spartacus faces the truth about those left behind by warriors when they leave through speaking with Pietros. After a tragedy occurs, Spartacus faces off with Gnaeus and earns Batiatus's displeasure. Doctore seeks the truth behind Barca's departure from the ludus. 

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Delicate Things: Episode 6

Lies, distrust and duplicity plague the house of Batiatus and impact the hopes of both Barca and Spartacus, who have benefited from good fortune and envision a future away from the grounds. Barca expects to buy his and his lover's way out, while Spartacus anticipates his promised reunion with his enslaved wife, part of his reward for a monumental victory in the arena. But just in case things go wrong, Spartacus dreams and schemes an escape plan.

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Shadow Games: Episode 5

Bitter enemies Spartacus and Crixus are charged with learning to fight as a team in order to take on an unbeaten champion in the arena. Meanwhile, a financially strapped Batiatus receives an opportunity of a lifetime that involves his battling band of gladiators. 

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The Thing in the Pit: Episode 4

Spartacus' disgrace at surrendering to Crixus leads Batiatus to punish him by forcing the Thracian to fight in the "pits of the underworld," a hellish, vicious subterranean arena where anything goes. Meanwhile, when the slave girl Naevia rejects Crixus' gift, he misunderstands the reason for her refusal. 

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Legends: Episode 3

As the gladiators prep for an important competition that will be the highlight of a festival, Spartacus cleverly maneuvers to secure the right to battle Crixus, the unbeaten champion of Capua, in the main event. Despite Lucretia's objections, Batiatus reminds her that Spartacus' bravery and previous exploits have "struck a chord with the public's interest." Meanwhile, Crixus is desired by a number of noblewomen, but he is enamored of one of Lucretia's slaves (Naevia).

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Sacramentum Gladiatorum: Episode 2

Enslaved warrior Spartacus enters the ludus of Batiatus to receive training to fight as a gladiator. He quickly makes an enemy of the champion of Capua, Crixus, and receives training by the whip-wielding taskmaster Doctore. He meets Varro, a fellow recruit, who becomes his ally in training. Spartacus's owner, the crafty Batiatus, makes him an offer he finds difficult to refuse. Spartacus faces the test which determines whether he is fit to be a gladiator and bests Crixus through the use of a small ribbon of cloth belonging to his wife when Crixus stops fighting to gloat. Spartacus swears to the oath of the brotherhood of the gladiator. 

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The Red Serpent: Episode 1

In the series premiere, a Thracian warrior and his fellow fighters align themselves with Rome to protect their homeland. But disenchantment with the Romans soon sets in when their allies' battle strategies leave their villages unprotected from barbarian invaders. The warrior leads a rebellion and deserts the Roman army to return to his village and his wife. Invaders attack and he and his wife escape, only to be captured by the Romans. The warrior's wife, Sura, is forced into slavery and he and the other deserters are taken to the arena in Capua to publicly be put to death by gladiators, where upon he proves his worth and is given the name Spartacus. 

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Quick Update

Just added Spartacus: Gods of the Arena.

This is a great show full of blood and nudity of the glory of the Roman Empire.

Here is a trailer for the first instillation in the series with Spartacus: Blood and Sand as the second installment.

The Bitter End: Episode 6

Batiatus seeks vengeance for all that has befallen him; the opening of the new arena promises a spectacle of combat and blood. After winning the final fight of the opening ceremony, Gannicus receives his freedom and departs the ludus, but not before entrusting its future to Crixus. 

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Reckoning: Episode 5

Batiatus' father announces a tournament to determine the worth of the men that make up his stable of gladiators. Crixus, dedicated to proving himself, is drawn into the power play within the house. Titus is finally killed by the poisoned wine given to him by Lucretia but unfortunately so is Melitta.

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Beneath the Mask: Episode 4

The power struggle between the younger and the elder Batiatus shakes the roots of their house and sees alliances formed and loyalties divided. Lucretia sides with her husband albeit reluctantly in performing a risky plan while Gannicus finds himself on unstable ground. 

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Paterfamilias: Episode 3

Batiatus' father, Titus, returns and quickly undoes Batiatus' elaborate scheme by placing Crixus in where Gannicus was to fight. Auctus, on the other hand, gets killed by Crixus in an intense battle. Also, things are run amuck when Oenomaus feels he does not deserve his position as Doctore.

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Missio: Episode 2

Batiatus succeeds in securing the position of primus for his man Gannicus in Vettius' upcoming games through an elaborate scheme. Oenomaus is challenged by Doctore, killing him and receiving the title of Doctore. Gannicus and Melitta are ordered to have sex with each other for Quintilius Varis' entertainment, leaving both of them deeply and emotionally troubled.

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Past Transgressions: Episode 1

Batiatus finds himself in control of his father's ludus and selects his most skilled gladiator to win favor of a nobleman in order to be a part of the opening games in the new arena. And thus, the story of the Celt warrior Gannicus, the original champion of the House of Batiatus begins. The origins of the Gaul, Crixus are also explored. 

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Fire and Blood: Season 1 Episode 10

As tragic news spreads across the Seven Kingdoms, Bran and Rickon share a prophetic dream, Catelyn interrogates Jaime about her sonʼs fall, and Robbʼs destiny is forever changed. After a surprising decision by his father, Tyrion heads south. Arya assumes a new identity in an attempt to escape Kingʼs Landing, and Sansa is terrorized by Joffrey. At the Wall, Jon is forced to choose between the Nightʼs Watch and the family he left behind. Across the sea, Dany pays a terrible price for her love, but finds new hope.

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Baelor: Season 1 Episode 9

The plot of the episode depicts how Eddard Stark, imprisoned and accused of high treason, takes a fateful decision. His wife Catelyn negotiates with slippery Lord Walder Frey, and his son Robb fights his first battle in the war against the Lannisters. Meanwhile, Jon discovers a secret about Maester Aemon, and Daenerys stands up against Qotho.

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The Pointy End: Season 1 Episode 8

The plot deals with the aftermath of Eddard Stark's capture. While the Lannisters are going after his daughters, his son and heir Robb raises an army to give battle. Meanwhile, Daenerys witnesses a Dothraki raid to a peaceful village and Jon Snow faces a new threat at the Wall.

The episode's title recalls the first lesson about sword fighting that Jon gave to Arya before their farewell: "stick them with the pointy end".

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You Win or You Die: Season 1 Episode 7

The episode furthers the story line of deterioration of the political balance of the Seven Kingdoms, with Eddard Stark revealing what he has discovered to Cersei Lannister while King Robert is still away on a hunt.

The title of the episode is part of a quote Cersei Lannister says during the final confrontation with Eddard: "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."

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A Golden Crown: Season 1 Episode 6

The episode's plot depicts the deterioration of the political balance of the seven kingdoms, with Eddard Stark having to deal with the Lannister aggressions while King Robert is away on a hunt. On the Eyrie the Imp is put on trial, and across the Narrow Sea Viserys Targaryen is determined to force Drogo to pay him his debts and get crowned as a king.

In the words of reviewer Jace Lacob, the episode "revolves around changes both great and small, about the way the scales can fall from our eyes and we can see the truth that has been standing in front of us for so long. For Ned, it's a realization of just why Jon Arryn died, of the terrible secret he had gleaned from the book of royal lineages, and just what this could mean for the throne... and for the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. For Dany, it's the brutal truth of her brother's real nature, of his insatiable thirst for power and the twisted quality of his rampant heart."

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The Wolf and the Lion: Season 1 episode 5

The plot centers in King's Landing and Lord Eddard Stark's investigations regarding the death of the previous Hand. In the city, the Tourney of the Hand comes to an end while the various factions that plot for power come to light. This delicate balance is undone when news arrives that Tyrion Lannister has been arrested by Catelyn Tully. The title of the episode refers to the fact that the Starks, whose sigil is a wolf, may soon be at war with the Lannisters, whose sigil is the lion.

With this episode the season hits its halfway mark and the action picks up considerably. Despite being a topic of discussion at King's Landing, Daenerys and Ser Jorah do not themselves appear in this episode. Jon Snow and all characters on the Wall are also absent, and Robb Stark does not appear in Winterfell scenes. As such, Emilia Clarke, Iain Glen, Harry Lloyd, Richard Madden and Kit Harington all have their names omitted from the opening credits but the Eyrie appears on the opening credit map.

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